Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Sixteen Bible Verses for Chinese II to Memorize


    shì  shàng di de ér zi                                                  

      Jesus is the Son of God.


    shì shén  shén ài shì  rén                                                      
      神,      人。

     Jesus is God, God loves people.


qǐ chū    shén chuàng zào  tiān dì

      初,                   地。(Gen 1:1)

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.


shén shuō    yào  yǒu  guāng , jiù  yǒu  le guāng                            
      说,                   光。 ( Gen 1:3)

   Then God said, “ Let there be light,” and there was light.


   kuài le zhì jí    jiù shēng  chóu kǔ                                        
      至极,就              苦。(Prov 14:13)                                                                            Joy may end in grief.


    yuǎn    è  biàn  shì  cōng míng

        离恶  便            明。  (Prov  28:28)

 To shun evil is understanding.


 zhì  huì    zhēn zhū  gèng  měi

                           美。(Prov 8:11)

     Wisdom is far more valuable than rubies.


jìng wèi yē hé huá shì zhì huì de kāi duān

                       端。(Prov 9:10)


          yē sū duì tā shuō , fù huó zài wǒ ,                   
         耶稣  说:   我,

         shēng mìng yě zài wǒ     xìn    de rén ,                                
                       在我!         人,

           suí rán    le,         huó                                                  
               死了,也   活。(John 11:25)

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies.


nǐ  bú  yào  hài pà , yīn wèi wǒ  yù nǐ  tóng zài

             怕,因              在;

    bú  yào  jīng huāng , yīn wèi wǒ shì nǐ de shén

           惶,                 神。

     wǒ bì jiān gù nǐ , wǒ bì bāng zhù nǐ

           固你,          你,

     wǒ bì yòng wǒ gōng yì de yòu shǒu fú chí nǐ

                               你。(Isa 41:10)

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand


    wǒ  shí shi zài zai de gào sù nǐ men                                                                                


    nà tīng wǒ huà , yòu xìn chā wò lái zhě de                                        
         话、             的,

   jiù yǒu yǒng shēng , bú zhì yú dìng zuì                                       

   shì yǐ jīng  chū  sì   rù shēng le                                                                               

                       了。(John 5:24

“I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life.


    yē sū duì tā shuō


     nǐ yào jìn xīn   jìn xìng  jìn yì

          心、尽   性、 意,

     ài zhǔ nǐ de shén

     神。(Matt 22:37

 Jesus replied: ” ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and   

 with all your soul and with all your mind.’


 wú lùn zuò shén me,


    dōu yào cóng xīn lǐ zuò


    xiàng shì gěi zhǔ zuò de


    bú shì gěi rén zuò de

不是给人做的。     西Col 3:23

 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart,

 as working for the Lord, not for men.


   nǐ men ruò yǒu bǐ cǐ xiāng ài de xīn


    zhòng rén yīn cǐ jiù rèn chū


    nǐ men shì wǒ de mén tú  le                                                                          

                 了。(John 13:35

   By this all men will know that you are my disciples,

   if you love one another.”


    yīn wèi shén chā tā de ér zi jiàng shì

              他的 儿子    世,

    bú shì yào dìng shì rén de zuì                                                                              


nǎi shì yào jiào shì rén yīn tā dé jiù                                              
                   得救。(John 3:17

 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world,   

 but to save the world through him.


     ài shì héng jiǔ rěn nài ,  yòu yǒu ēn cí

             耐,又     恩慈;

ài  shì bú jì  dù ,   ài shì bú zì kuā                                                                              

妒,爱 夸,

bù zhāng kuáng ,bú zuò hài xiū de shì                                                                   


bù qiú zì ji  de yì  chù   bù qīng yì fā  

己的 处,       发怒,

bú suàn jì  rén de è      bù xǐ huān bú yì                                                                     

      恶,不     不义,

zhǐ xǐ huā zhēn lǐ ,    fán shì bāo róng

        理;凡        容,

fán shì xiāng xìn , fán shì pàn wàng

          信,凡       望,

fán shì rěn nài


ài  shì yǒng bù zhǐ xī

       息。(《新约·哥林多前书》第1 3章)

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